About Us
Ishshah’s -The Woman’s-Place is by design, a place that seeks to meet the needs of and affirm the value of women and girls who have survived the perils of IPV.
We offer crisis intervention, survivor support services, teen and young adult prevention, and training and technical assistance to community organizations.
"The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly [in all of its fullness]-John 10:10
Our Mission
Our mission be a resource for prevention and a refuge for survivors that promotes holistic healing while we work to end domestic violence against women, youth, and young adults.

Our Vision
Although domestic violence knows no boundaries as it relates age, race, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic background, the fact remains that BIPOC; women in particular, suffer disproportionately at a rate of 1 in 3; 45.1% of black women experience intimate partner violence. Therefore, it is our heart, our passion, our commitment at Ishshah’s Place to serve as a conduit by which life transformations take place; empowering women and youth in marginalized communities with IPV preventive services and survivor support and resources to aid in becoming free of abuse and self-sufficient through crisis intervention, personal, professional, and spiritual advancement.